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Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

AIWS or Micropsia is a condition that affects the perception of human pengelihatan. objects will seem smaller than reality, most objects are seen to look very far or vice versa was very close to the time a dog bersamaan.Untuk example will look for a mouse or the car will shrink up like a toy. These conditions related to the perception of it, the mistake is not the brain to process information for the patient's eye structure is damaged.


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Vampire Disease: Fear of the Sun

There are some people who when out of the house was always out of the sun, when skin is exposed to the sun so they will skin blister melepuh.Beberapa even though new direct sunlight. they are not vampires, do not drink blood and sleep in a coffin, they just have a rare disease that has symptoms like the blood sucking.


Progeria is caused by a small error in the genetic code of the child, but it has been destroyed and change someone's life. The average child born with this disease will die at the age of 13 years, because their bodies are aging more rapidly as baldness, heart disease, weakening of bones and arthritis. Fortunately, this disease is extremely rare, only about 48 people attacked by this disease worldwide, but there is a family that has 5 children who were all attacked by this disease.